Learn to capitalize on your brain's ability to have breakthroughs

The Net and the Butterfly by Olivia Fox Cabane and Judah Pollack is available at booksellers including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, and Powell's


The creative mode in your brain is like a butterfly. It's beautiful and erratic - if you want to capture it, you need a net. Enter the executive mode, the task-oriented network in your brain that help you tie your shoes, run a meeting, or pitch a client. To succeed, you need both modes to work together. Recent neuroscience discoveries support our understanding of the mechanisms behind these breakthrough moments, and how to help induce them.

Drawing on their extensive coaching and training practice with top Silicon Valley firms, Olivia and Judah provide a step-by-step process for accessing the part of the brain that produces breakthroughs while systematically removing internal blocks.  By trying the exercises in this book, readers will emerge with a powerful new capacity for breakthrough thinking.